Village Show RulesShow Rules
General Rules
Ipplepen Cottage Garden Society Established 1890.
The Ipplepen Cottage Garden Society is governed by a formal Constitution, copies of which are available on request to the Secretary.
All vegetables, fruit and garden produce are to be grown by the person by whom they are exhibited. Pot plants must be in a competitor’s possession at least two months before the day of the Show and the pots to be no larger than 8” (20cms) diameter. This does not include Floral Art Classes. All domestic entries to be home made. All preserves to have wax discs and cellophane caps. All handicrafts to have been completed within the last twelve months.
In any case where the Judge considers there is not sufficient merit shown, any one or all the prizes offered for competition may be withheld; no person shall be allowed more than one entry in any Class, except where stated.
All intending to compete are required to send to the Hon. Secretary their list of entries (form in Schedule) before 9.00pm on Friday, 12th July 2024. Please use a separate form for each person entering.
Exhibits may be brought on the previous evening (between 7.00pm and 8.00pm), or on the day, from 8.00am. All exhibits shall be staged in the show tent by 10.00am on the day of the exhibition, at which time the show tent will be cleared of exhibitors. Nothing shall be taken away until after presentation of the cups.
All vegetables to be sent washed and trimmed, except onions, which should be washed, but shown with roots and tops. Anyone sending more or less than the number specified in any entry shall be disqualified.
Potatoes, tomatoes and fruit to be shown on white plates. Flowers to be placed in water. (Exhibitors are required to provide their own vases/bowls).
The Committee do not hold themselves responsible for the damage or loss of any exhibit.
Children’s flowers are to be arranged in the tent on the morning of the Show, between 8.00am and 10.00am, under the supervision of a steward.
Any protest must be handed to the Hon. Secretary in writing before 4.00pm on the Show day, with a deposit of 25p, to be returned if the protest is upheld.
Prizes will be available on day of Show to all competitors by applying at the Treasurer’s table in Show tent from 5:15pm. Prizes not claimed will be transferred to the general fund of the Society.
Homemade Wine, Beer, Cider, Liqueurs & Cordial Rules
Wine (B181 to B183): Must be exhibited in clear, unbranded glass bottles of approx. 75cl capacity with rounded, not sloping shoulders. Wine bottles should be filled so that the air space between the bottom of the cork and the surface of the wine to be ½ inch (12mm).
Corks—only corks with flanged stoppers with white plastic tops to be used.
Beer (B184) and cider (B185): Must be exhibited in brown glass bottles of 500 – 570cl capacity, without distinguishing or commercial marks on the glass. Bottles must be capped using Gold coloured metallic crown caps or screw tops and filled to leave an air space of 1 inch. Safety interests dictate an air space of less than ½ inch is acceptable and competitors should ensure that the pressure in the bottles is not excessive. Sediment will be allowed, but beers and ciders must not be artificially carbonated.
Liqueur (B186) – Must be exhibited in clear, unbranded glass bottles of 50cl capacity, with round shoulders. Bottles should be filled to allow 1 inch between the cork and the top of the fluid. No sediment is allowed.
Cordial (B187) – Must be exhibited in clear, unbranded glass bottle of approximately 75cl.
Silver Cups and Trophies Rules
All cups remain the property of the Society. Please ensure they are handed back to the Secretary, Liz Hooker at 4 Tremlett Grove before the 10th July (cleaned please). The winner of the greatest number of points will be awarded the appropriate cup and will hold it for one year.
Cup points will be awarded as follows: first prize-3 points; second prize-2 points; third prize-1 point. Should there be a tie, the competitor with the highest number of First Prizes shall be the winner. Should there be a further tie, the competitors shall hold the cup for an equal number of months during the year, the first holder being decided by ballot.
Maypole Rules
There are rules laid down regarding how the children are selected to take part in this;
The Dancers
Children in years 4,5 and 6 who attend Ipplepen Primary School or live in the parishes of Ipplepen and Torbryan are invited to dance the Maypole at the Ipplepen Village Garden Show.
The Royalty Party
The youngest girl attending Ipplepen Primary School, who lives in the parish of Ipplepen or Torbryan, is invited to be Queen, if declined then the next youngest is invited. The next four youngest girls and the two youngest boys, who attend Ipplepen Primary School but may not live in the parish, are invited to be the attendants and pageboys.
Ipplepen Cottage Garden Society Constitution
1. The Society, established on 28th February 1890, shall be known as the Ipplepen Cottage Garden Society.
2. The Objects of the Society shall be:-a) to promote and organise the Ipplepen Village Show; b) to promote and organise any community function or activity which the Committee may recommend; c) to retain funds arising from these activities in order to finance the Show in the following year. Any funds surplus to this requirement may be donated, at the discretion of the Committee, to the Parish community and to local organisations considered to be worthy of support.
3. Membership:-
a) Membership of the society is automatically conferred on all residents of Ipplepen and Torbryan of 16 years of age or over.
b) Membership may also be conferred by the Committee on any individuals who express an interest in furthering the objectives of the society, irrespective of their place of residence.
4. The Society shall be managed by a Committee which shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and at least 10 others. The Officers and Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and they shall remain in office until the next Annual General Meeting, subject to termination of office by resignation or by vote of a General Meeting duly convened.
5. The retiring Officers and Members of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election save that the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary shall not serve in that post for more than six consecutive years. If no persons can be found to take up these places, and in order for the Society to exist, the former Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary can, providing the Committee’s vote is unanimous, take up these posts for a further 12 months. Should no one present themselves for the post of Chairman, Treasurer or Secretary, an Emergency General Meeting should be held as soon as possible after the Annual General Meeting, the date to be agreed by the Committee
6. The Committee shall have power to fill by co-option any vacancy that may occur between Annual General Meetings.
7. The Committee may from time to time invite a person to fill the position of President of the Society.
8. At Committee meetings eight shall form a quorum and the Chairman shall preside. In the absence of the Chairman the Vice-Chairman shall preside and in the event: of both being absent a Committee member from amongst those present shall be chosen to do so.
9. The Committee may form such Sub-Committees as it may require, consisting of a Secretary and at least one other Committee Member, and delegate to them such powers and duties as it may see fit. The Chairman and Treasurer shall be members of, but may not necessarily attend, all such Sub-Committees, which may also consist of members co-opted by the Sub-Committee Secretary upon approval of the main Committee. They shall be responsible and answerable to the main Committee at all times. In the absence of the Chairman a main Committee member from amongst those present shall he chosen to preside. 10. The Society’s Financial Year shall end on 30th September. The accounts of the Society are to be examined yearly by an independent examiner approved try the Annual General Meeting. A copy of the accounts shall be available on request. Cheques are to be signed by any two of the following: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer or Secretary. Expenditure on any item in excess of £500 is to be agreed in advance by the committee. Expenditure up to £500 is to be approved in advance by any two of the above-mentioned Officers. Any change to the Society’s Bankers is to be agreed in advance by the committee.
11. The Annual General Meeting will take place in November and should be published on the Parish noticeboards at least 28 days in advance. An agenda specifying the matters to be dealt with shall be posted at least seven days prior to the meeting and shall include the following business:-a) to receive and, if approved, adopt the statement of accounts for the preceding financial year; b) to appoint the Officers and Members of the Committee; c) to deal with any resolutions which have been proposed, seconded and submitted to the Secretary at least 14 days prior to the meeting, including any change to the constitution.
12. A Special General Meeting may he convened at any time by the Committee. It shall also be convened within 21 days from the receipt of a requisition in writing by not less than 10 members and (notice given as for the Annual General Meeting. The object of the meeting may be specified for any of the following purposes:-a) to deal with any matter of which the Committee has given notice; b) to deal with any special matter of which the members requiring the meeting have given notice.
13. The Chairman shall preside at all General Meetings, but in the event: of his absence the Vice-Chairman shall preside. In the event of both being absent then those present shall elect a Chairman to preside at that meeting.
14. At any General Meeting or Committee Meeting every member present shall be entitled to one vote on each and every motion, with the Chairman having a casting or additional vote in the event of equality of votes.
15. At General Meetings 12 shall form a quorum. No alteration of the constitution may be made except at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for this purpose.
16. If the Committee decides that the Society should be dissolved, then a Special General Meeting must be convened in accordance with clause 12 above to consider the dissolution proposal.
17. In the event: of the dissolution of the Society, the funds and property of the Society
shall be disposed of as may be determined by the Committee holding office immediately prior to the dissolution as in clause 2c above. If a quorum of such a Committee cannot be found, then all funds and property will be distributed for the good of the Parish by the Parish Council.
Safeguarding Policy
The Ipplepen Village Garden Show Society and Ipple Tipple acknowledgement duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people and are committed to ensuring that safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice. This policy applies to all members of the Show Committees and anyone working or volunteering on behalf of these committees.
The purpose of this policy statement is:
To protect children and young people who attend Ipplepen Village Garden Show and Ipple Tipple Beer Festival, from harm.
To provide all volunteers and attendees at the show, including children and young people, with the overarching principle that guide our approach to child protection and recognising that the welfare and interests of Children and young people are paramount in all circumstances.
In addition, aims to ensure that all children and young people have a positive and enjoyable experience of all,aspects of the Show in a safe environment and are protected from abuse.
The role of the safeguarding officer is to oversee that any events organised by the Show Committee, that involve children, are appropriately organised by responsible adults accordingly. Such events are:
Entries to the Show competitions, namely crafts, cookery, art and photography. Rules are in place regarding the entry requirements and are published on the Show’s website and in the programme.
The Maypole dancing. This is organised in conjunction with Ipplepen School and no records are kept by the Show Secretary. Specific rules are age dependent and published on the Show Website. The details of the Dancers are known only by the dancing teacher. Written consent is obtained from all of the parents of the children taking part in the Maypole ( dancers and royalty party) and held by the Maypole teacher, who is also DBS checked.
The parade is supervised by the dance teacher and helpers and accompanied by the parents and trained marshalls with a chapter 8 accredited person.A permit for road closure has been applied for. The parade will not take place in the event of bad weather.
Any concerns on Show Day to be taken to the Help Point, housed at the entrance to the main marquee and clearly marked on the site plan. All concerns to be handled by the Show Chairman. See below for guidelines.
The Help Point is a designated safe haven for lost children and announcements will be made to facilitate reunion with families. Checks will be made to ensure that Children are reunited with the appropriate adults.
It is clearly stated in the Show programme and on the Website that photographs of children must not be taken without permission. Similarly any images must not be shared on Social Media.
A full risk assessment is available to be viewed on Show Day and will be available on the website.
There will be a first aid point at all times during the day, operated by a fully certified operator, clearly visible and marked on the site plan. The site plan will be in the programme and on notice boards on Show Day.
Security staff are on site at all times, including the day before, ensuring the safety and security of the site.
Guidelines for All
These guidelines are divided into the following sections:
1. Recognising signs of abuse
2. What to do with your concerns
3. Allegations made against staff
4. Safe recruitment
5. Good practice
6. Implementation Checklist
7. Contacts
1. Recognising Signs of Abuse
It can often be difficult to recognise abuse. Children may behave strangely or seem unhappy for many reasons, as they move through the stages of childhood or their families experience changes. Abuse can be carried out by someone known to a child or by a complete stranger.
If you are worried about a child it is important that you keep a written record of any physical or behavioural signs and symptoms.
Abuse can be Physical, Emotional, Sexual or by Neglect
2. What to do with Your Concerns?
If a Child Discloses to you: DO listen carefully and record the conversation in the child’s words and note the time Sign and date the record you make. You should take it seriously, reassure they are right to tell. Then explain what will happen next. Do NOT ask leading questions, make promises you can’t keep or speculate or accuse anybody. It is not your responsibility to decide if the allegation is true or not.
Sometimes you may just feel concerned about a child but do not know whether to share your concerns or not. In this situation you should always raise your concerns with your designated child protection officer, who will help you to decide what to do.
3. Allegations Made Against Members or Volunteers :
Members or volunteers working with the Society to be aware of the possibility that allegations of abuse may be made against them.
Allegations will usually be that some kind of abuse has taken place. They can be made by children and young people and they can be made by other concerned adults.
Allegations can be made for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common are that abuse has actually taken place or that something happens to a child that reminds them of
an event that happened in the past. Children can misinterpret your language or your actions because they are reminded of something else. If children or young people are angry with you about something they can make an allegation as a way of hitting out or an allegation can be a way of seeking attention. All allegations should be brought to the notice of the designated child protection officer immediately.
In cases where the allegation is made against this person, the complainant should approach a more senior official or, if unavailable, make sure that the child in question is safe and away from the alleged abuser and contact Devon’s Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub on 0345 155 1071 These guidelines should be available to everyone and fully discussed as part of an Induction Process
4. Good Practice
Every organisation working with children should have a designated child protection officer who must undergo child protection training. It is the responsibility of this person to make themselves available for consultation by staff, volunteers, visitors, children and their families.
▪ All members and volunteers are responsible for the children in their care and must make sure that health and safety guidelines are adhered to • All members and volunteers working with children should receive regular supervision from a more experienced staff member.
• No members or volunteers should be left alone with a child where they cannot be observed by others
• Where possible there should always be at least two adults present with a group of children – it is vital that the ratio of adult to child is adequate to ensure safety.
5. Implementation Checklist
These child protection procedures will only be effective, if all staff and volunteers in your organisation own and understand them. This checklist is designed to help you to go through that process:
• Identify designated child protection officer (CPO)
• Add CPO name and contact details to procedure
• Ensure CPO attends training on child protection and updates that training regularly
• Ensure all members and volunteers have a copy of these child protection procedures
• Ensure that all members and volunteers know what to do if they have concerns about a child
• Ensure that any premises we use conforms to health and safety guidelines.
Updated April 2024
Karen Careswell Chairman
Ipplepen Village Garden Society